Case Study

Digital marketing for  Manufacturing company

Accelerating Traffic and Lead generation through an Inbound Marketing Strategy.


Company Name: S K Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd

SK Manufacturing is a mid-sized company focussed on manufacturing and sales of Electronics educational equipment, Industrial training equipment, CNC training equipment to technical educational institutes.  They also provide after-sales support through Annual maintenance contracts post the warranty period.


SK Manufacturing traditionally did their sales through their limited contacts in the existing client base, off late their growth was stagnant and new leads were hard to come by.

SK Manufacturing contacted Sunrays Digital to help get its digital marketing program off the ground in order to achieve its sales goals. 


Lack of Marketing Efforts to Support Sales Goals

Through SK Manufacturing had solid targets to its sales team, it lacked marketing strategies it needed in order to achieve those sales goals.  They had an Outdated website developed a few years back and the site was not ranking for keywords and had very little organic traffic. With minimal marketing efforts in place and a small internal team, SK Manufacturing knew it needed a partner to get its marketing program off the ground.


Our Solution

A Comprehensive Inbound Marketing Strategy with website redesign.

In order to grow revenue and customer acquisition, we needed to increase the number of marketing leads to sales team.  This was achieved through  defining a buyer persona in consultation with the client.  Created a content strategy to deliver conversion-oriented content for every stage of the Buyer’s Journey.

Website was redesigned and implemented with CTAs, Pillar content strategy to increase in organic traffic, through a well thought out SEO.

  • Redesigned inbound website
  • Inbound strategies
  • Content marketing
  • SEO
app marketing illustration 03

The Results

Significant increase in qualified leads and conversions.

Newly implemented inbound marketing solution not only increased traffic, but generated qualified leads which helped sales team to effectively convert them into sales closures.


YoY organic traffic growth


YoY increase in qualified leads


YoY growth in sales

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